When studying for an important upcoming test or exam, many people usually turn on some music. They cycle through their playlist for 30 minutes, trying to find a song, and then forget to study anyway. Listening to certain types of music while studying different subjects is shown to boost memory and productivity. Research from the University of Arizona and My Study Life have all concluded that these genres increase focus, stimulate parts of the brain, and speed up project completion.
Studying for history and social studies classes can be tedious and exhausting. If you are going back in time in your textbook, you should also go back in time music-wise. Listening to older music will help you concentrate on your studies because it could go from calming gentle music to a more thrilling and uproarious sound in a heartbeat. Beethoven and Mozart will become your best friends.
When it comes to math, you want to throw classical music out of the window. The best thing to listen to is some electronic music, like the “Tron” soundtrack. This type of music will help you stay stimulated and not tire you out. The main problem people have with this type of music is that it can be very loud, making it hard to listen to other people. Of course, it’s very easy to just turn down the volume on your device to fix that issue.
When you get to reading and language arts, you want to kick it back to some lo-fi beats. The lo-fi music is soft and calm and allows you to kick back and relax while you do your work. They are the perfect match if you are reading and want to listen to music while still paying attention to reading a book.
Science is opening a whole new type of music that a lot of people have probably never heard of. The music genre “ambient space music” is great to listen to while studying in science-related classes. It helps your brain while thinking of the equations and theories you jot down. In some cases, it can even help people get better sleep with how slow and comforting it is.
You can find these music genres wherever you stream your content, whether it be YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, or another platform.